Original line   Change line to Remove
1. -> or
2. -> or
3. -> or
4. -> or
Change all lines regardless of each other.
Seek the first line, change it and add the texts of 2, 3, 4 within the next three lines (if not empty).

General changes for scenarios
Set starting era to ERA_ANCIENT

For scenarios with Players/Teams/CIVs
Remove empty lines
Remove PlayerXYCulture lines on plots
Remove TeamReveal lines on plots
Remove Player Attitude lines
Remove ContactWithTeam lines
Remove AtWar lines
Remove Tech lines Remove TECH_ROMAN & TECH_GREEK
Remove MapTrading=1, TechTrading=1, GoldTrading=1, Irrigation=1 etc.
Remove vassals
Reset CivicOptions for each player to first option (despotism, barbarism, autarchy,..)
Remove state religion
Set players starting gold to

Scenario Map X-Y-extensions (only use one function each step! CIV width limit: 205 plots)
A) Add line(s) to the top or bottom or left or right
B) Insert vertical line(s) (X-Coord) from plot (X+1) (1,2,..)
C) Insert horizontal line(s) (Y-Coord) from plot (Y+1) (1,2,..)
A,B,C: Add/Insert COAST plots only
D) Remove line(s) from top or bottom or left or right


If no file is selected, the script/code of this textarea will be used for changes.